We spoke with the founders of Beard Bros. Pharms about their exciting new collaboration with Heavy Hitters.
Have you ever had an idea that scared you?
I have.
Last year, I had the idea to buy one-way tickets to Hong Kong so my daughter could study Cantonese.
I bought them, we went there, and she studied.
It was a stressful move and a difficult year, but watching my daughter now fluently speak in a language I can’t understand is worth more than anything.
Sometimes, you just have to take a risk to improve your future (or that of your children).
When Jeff and Bill of Beard Bros. Pharms wanted to take a risk to improve their future, they started a cannabis company. They knew that living on the East Coast was not the right place for them. That’s why they also made a big move: to southern California around a decade ago.
‘It was really the only place you could go to start a [cannabis] business a decade ago.’ Jeff told me.
Their passion to build a sustainable cannabis business is why they chose California’s ‘legality and opportunity.’ There, he and his brother felt they had the chance to acquire new patients and build a stable non-profit for their customers within a year.
What’s Bread Bros. claim to fame?
Beard Bros. Pharms crown jewel is a unicorn-like variety of cannabis: Extreme Cream. Its appearance gives you the impression it was dusted in powdered sugar, and it comes from a healthy line of genetics. A descendent of Extreme OG and Cookies and Cream, this cultivar has been grown for years and has never again shown the phenotype that Jeff and Bill possess.
Despite the rarity of this plant, Jeff admits that it was a godsend, saying “we did a phenotype hunt and had four to choose from. It fell into our lap.”
Other companies may look at hundreds of phenotypes, by comparison, and not find a cultivar as impressive as Extreme Cream. Though many have tried to replicate Extreme Cream by recreating its breeding conditions, there has never been a repeat phenotype of this quality out of this line of cannabis.
It’s an indica-dominant hybrid that has the sharp, pungent flavor that most OG’s do, but its smoke is smoother and much more delightful.
How did Beard Bros. Pharms team up with Heavy Hitters?
This creamy-tasting cultivar is what brought Heavy Hitters to Jeff and Bill. Heavy Hitters had initially licensed the use of Extreme Cream through a dispensary that Beard Bros. Pharms works with. When Heavy Hitters saw the numbers of their new product flying off the shelves, they pursued a deeper relationship with the brothers.
Both companies pride themselves on producing high-quality, toxic-free cannabis products. That’s why–for a limited time–they came together to create a vape pen with Extreme Cream.More than being a quality product with a famous cultivar of cannabis, I was curious how it actually helps people.
How does Extreme Cream help people?
Jeff and Billexplained that Extreme Cream is a “balanced indica, with a smooth taste, amazing appearance, and not overpowering yet not weak”. Extreme Cream is a wonderful variety of cannabis for releasing tension in the body and leveling out in the evening. It’s a medicine that aids in pain and stress-relief without shutting down your mental capacity.
Who would like this product the most?
Extreme Cream is a crowd pleaser. Unless you’re an indica-hater, you’ll likely enjoy the creamy taste and pleasant effects of this cultivar. Jeff told me that it’s perfect for people who are looking to relax.
When I looked at the cannabinoid and terpene profile measured bySC Labs, I immediately noticed that the active cannabinoid profile is above 26%, most of which comes in the form of THCa.
Loaded with limonene, myrcene, and beta-caryophyllene, Extreme Cream has a diverse terpene profile suited for any nose that doesn’t mind a powerful scent.
What’s the future of this collaboration?
In the best-case scenario, more people will have access to Extreme Cream as Heavy Hitters moves it across the country in their well-made products. Personally, I’m looking forward to this collaboration making its way to Michigan–my home state. Pending I ever make it home from Asia.