
Puration Announces Creative Strategy

cannabis extraction
Written by Cara Wietstock

Puration (PURA) recently announced the pending acquisition of a nursery used primarily to grow traditional flowers for the garden centers of large home improvement stores. This week, the publicly traded cannabis extraction focused entity released their $100 million strategy for the 25-greenhouse grow operation.

Currently, Pura operates a U.S. patented cannabis extraction process run primarily to create products for infusions. End products will include beverages, foods, nutritional supplements, and cosmetics made by companies by General Mills and Nabisco. The issue, however, is that these behemoth conglomerates are not yet able to step in and infuse their goodies with cannabis extractions due to federal illegality.

cannabis extraction

Because of this, Pura is a bit ahead of their time. However, once the plant becomes legal at the federal level the company could shift seamlessly into what could promise to be a massive market. In the meantime, Puration is working to improve their patented extraction.

Pura has a partnership with NCM Biotech and as such, they’re currently evaluating their patented cannabis extraction process in evaluated medical trials. These trials will allow the company to finely tune their methods both for recreation and health & wellness products. The pending acquisition of First Choice Nursery will allow Pura to understand what cannabis plants will yield the best extractions for their goals.

The strategy from Pura reflects their push to become a lasting, recognizable brand nationwide. Pura has been strategizing their startup with the future in mind, not the present. That being said, their pending nursery purchase is located in Dallas, Texas where recreational cannabis isn’t even close to becoming a reality.

In the meantime, Pura has been partnering with EVERx, Spanish Peaks and AmeriCanna Cafe in a creative multi platform infiltration of the cannabis industry. For a more in-depth view of this strategy take a look at the Puration website where they’ve clearly displayed their revenue plan.

About the author

Cara Wietstock

Cara began working in the retail cannabis industry of San Francisco, CA in 2011 and continued in that sector for years. In 2015 she dedicated herself to writing full-time. Her passion for the written word and deep respect for the healing properties of the plant have brought her to Terpenes and Testing magazine. She now helps keep us on the cutting edge of scientific cannabis discovery as the Editor-in-Chief of the print publication.

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