
DigiPath Labs Awarded Emerald Test Badge

cannabis testing lab
Written by Cara Wietstock

The cannabis testing lab competed in 3 tests at this year’s competition.

Las Vegas testing lab Digipath Labs has officially been awarded the Emerald Test Badge for Potency and Pesticide testing. The wholly owned subsidiary is proud of these proficiency test results which are meant to provide clients with assurance on the reliability of lab reports from the entity.

Todd Denkin, Digipath’s President & COO, commented, “We are quite proud to win these awards as they validate Dr. Orser’s and Digipath Lab’s mandate to be the industry leader in cannabis lab testing, science and analytics.”

Emerald Scientific uses the Inter-laboratory Comparison Proficiency Testing (ILC/PT) program to evaluate laboratories across the country. They do so by comparing a lab’s ability to accurately test blinded samples. The test provide the cannabis industry on the whole with a real view of how testing labs are performing individually.

Digipath took part in three Emerald Tests at this year’s competition; terpenes, potency, and pesticides. Since it was the first year of terpenoid testing no badges were awarded, however the cannabis testing lab is taking home badges in both pesticides and potency.

For the pesticide test lab analysts were provided with a blank matrix and a hemp matrix with 22 pesticides ranging from 0-1000 ng/g. The potency test required labs to identify levels of THC, THC-A, CBD, CBDA, and CBN ranging from 0 to 1,000 µg/ml as they appear in acetonitrile.

Previously in single-analyte Emerald Tests the badges were awarded to laboratories that deviated from the actual value of the test at only +/-10%. But this year, for multiple-analyte tests, the Advisory Panel has recommended the use of a Z score of +/-1 for badge qualifiers, providing a more rational statistical evaluation performed once all data was received.

Now, Digipath is looking forward to acquiring ISO 17025 accreditation in an attempt to inspire further confidence in their cannabis testing lab.

About the author

Cara Wietstock

Cara began working in the retail cannabis industry of San Francisco, CA in 2011 and continued in that sector for years. In 2015 she dedicated herself to writing full-time. Her passion for the written word and deep respect for the healing properties of the plant have brought her to Terpenes and Testing magazine. She now helps keep us on the cutting edge of scientific cannabis discovery as the Editor-in-Chief of the print publication.

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