CBD products can help immensely with stress and anxiety. In one recent study, 79.2% of the...
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UK-Based Clinical Trial Finds DMT Effective Against Severe...
A UK study investigating the effectiveness of the psychedelic DMT in managing treatment-resistant...
Australia Legalizes MDMA and Psilocybin for Medical Use
In spite of the increased interest in medical psilocybin and MDMA, most countries have shied away...
How Does E-beam Irradiation Affect Cannabis
The Electron beam (E-beam) irradiation process is a technique where electrons are used to bombard a...
Study: Vaporizing Cannabis Doesn’t Solve Microbial...
Microbial contamination is a concern in medicinal cannabis, especially for those whose immunity is...
Cannabis Legalization Linked To Reduced Opioid Use
For the longest time, cannabis use (“gateway drug”) has been associated with the abuse of harder...