
Cannabis Cup Thwarted in Nevada

cannabis cup
Written by Cara Wietstock

Between the inclement weather and just enough interference from the government the High Times Cannabis Cup was doomed from the get.

The High Times Cannabis Cup was all set to be the best two days the stoners of Las Vegas, Nevada had ever seen. Planners staked out space on Native American land about 35 miles north of the Strip. However, just a day before the March 4-5 festival was set to kick off, trouble came. Daniel Bogden, the U.S. Attorney for Nevada, sent an ominous letter to Moapa Band of Paiutes on March 3. The letter informed the tribe that federal law would be upheld at the cannabis festival. This is a viable claim because tribal land is regarded as federal land. What this meant for the festival is that absolutely all cannabis had to be removed.

Cannabis Cup

The schedule had included an edibles competition, no cannabis topicals or lotions, and absolutely no smoking lounge. There was still set to be souvenirs, T-shirts, and music; essentially it was just a concert. Many vendors had been preparing massive amounts of product for the event. Just one day before they were told that absolutely no product was welcome. Unfortunately for the Nevada High Times Cannabis Cup, this was just the beginning of the issues.

The festival was canceled entirely on the second day. Wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour were forecasted for day 2. The event obviously had to be canceled since it happened inside of tents. With over 10,000 tickets sold High Times is now trading passes for entry to the Southern California Cannabis Cup. It seems that it was too soon for the Cannabis Cup in Nevada. Will you still attend the cup in southern California? cannabis cup

Email with any questions that you may have regarding your tickets.


About the author

Cara Wietstock

Cara began working in the retail cannabis industry of San Francisco, CA in 2011 and continued in that sector for years. In 2015 she dedicated herself to writing full-time. Her passion for the written word and deep respect for the healing properties of the plant have brought her to Terpenes and Testing magazine. She now helps keep us on the cutting edge of scientific cannabis discovery as the Editor-in-Chief of the print publication.

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