
Shedrack Anderson’s Search for Sixty-Five Grain Bread:How Chilyo Seeks to Initiate Harmony and Healing

There’s something poetic in the mixture of Eastern and Western philosophy. There’s even a balancing harmony represented in the juxtaposition of the two words. And with cannabis and its various metamorphoses into other effective medicines, the chronological segue of ancient Eastern origins into modern Western culture and medicine is downright cosmic. As was having the opportunity to chat with actor and entrepreneur Shedrack Anderson about his, and his partner, Keren Meyer’s, entrance into the cannabis industry.Shedrack and Keren wanted to create a new genre of high-end quality skin care products, or in his words, “We wanted to fuse ancient techniques with a modern twist.”

Shed’s reconstruction of his Western ideology to one more equalized with Eastern philosophy began with his training in the martial arts. He became interested in traditional Chinese medicine, and the mind-body connection.

“I was reading about anti-aging, and the benefits of using honey and lemon on your skin,” Shed explained. “The skin’s our largest organ. I became more cognizant of how the external environment can affect it, since it’s exposed on a daily basis.”

“Your skin regenerates every 27 days,” he continued. “So if the epidermis is continuously dying, how can we at least keep it happy?” One condition that Shed’s company, Chilyo, seeks to provide relief for is inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been called the root of all disease. And while some forms of inflammation are confined to our visceral core, not all are, thus negating the philosophy of ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’, at least when it comes to balanced health. “We need to address our internal and external systems,” Shed added.

Eastern. Western. Internal. External. And if we’re speaking biologically, the term used is homeostasis, a word cannabis users should read more about, if it’s currently unfamiliar. “We wanted to provide a product that offered homeostasis of beauty, health, and happiness, so those who experience our products feel better in their bodies and their minds,” Shed explained.

Thus begat the aforementioned Chilyo. “Chil in Korean means seven”, Shed provided. “And Chilyo means healing. And it so happens that our products have seven ingredients.” Chilyo’s product line, however, doesn’t contain THC. Rather, full-spectrum, hemp-derived CBD and terpenes are used. “We didn’t want to be like white bread, using CBD-isolate”, Shed explained. “I wanted 65-grain bread.” Well said.

“Our products have added molecules that protect against damaging things like pollution or UV light,” Shed added. “Blue light can cause depression and stress, and can penetrate the skin and do harm. We found a Mexican flower that repels blue light.”

“We sought to create a product that was just as good as more expensive options, but was a fraction of the cost,” he continued. “We wanted to make luxurious products that everyone can use, without needing to look snobby.”

Shedrack and Keren aren’t interested in making a subtle splash in a chic industry. Rather, they’ve envisaged something much, much bigger. More universal. “We want to help people be able to make their own self’s happy. This type of product and the medicinal properties it contains shouldn’t be unattainable. We’re visualizing nationally-available product, FDA approval, thorough testing.”

To date, Chilyo offers four products: a total ion lobe serum for curtailing dark circles under the eyes and restore firmness to the skin; a facial elixir mist exhibiting calming, hydrating, anti-inflammatory properties; a face and neck cream for moisturizing, tone, and hydration; and a muscle balm that seeks to parallel Eastern methods of bring blood to the site of the inflammation.

“When you look at techniques like Chinese therapy massage, acupuncture, moxibustion or cupping, the entire point is to bring blood up from the center of the body where the Qi is, bringing the blood up to fight and help where the inflammation is located. Our muscle balm has peptides that send signals to the body telling it to bring blood. It sends an immediate signal to cannabinoid and nerve receptors, and blood rushes to the surface.”

“And day and night, there’s no smell, so you won’t smell like you’re 93,” Shed verified. No offense intended to any nonagenarians reading this.

Shedrack visited a variety of chemists that were shotgun naysayers, ready to pull their data-less disbelief from its holster like a paranoid Yosemite Sam at the rustle of a leaf. His search brought him to a few chemists who were willing to see what alchemy they could produce. And Shed and Keren’s relentlessness is helping them realize that universal healing, that melding of mind and body that first started them on this journey.

“We’re the first company to try to do this on a national scale, and we’re the first company to advertise these types of products on TV. You can also check out The Daily Chil on Amazon Prime.” (Or here.)

So there you have the story of Shedrack Anderson, Keren Meyer, and the birth of Chilyo, a wonderful illustration of the resurrection of indigenous knowledge that we’ve forgotten about that can help us heal and harmonize.

About the author

Jason S. Lupoi, Ph.D.

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